What's Yours is...

As I was "organizing" my office I came across an outline for an old thought or teaching. I first saw it when I.D.E.S. presented in some of their literature and thought it rang true as much for today as it did back in the day. The text was Luke 10:30-37 and in it we find 3 levels of spiritual understanding and they are revealed with how people regard money, possessions and people.

Level 1 is characterized by LUST: "What you have is mine and I'll take it." (Luke 10:30)
Level 2 is characterized by LAW: "What I have is mine, and I'll keep it." (Luke 10:31-32)
Level 3 is characterized by LOVE: "What I have is yours and I'll share it." (Luke 10:33-35) 

The ability to give to those in need reveals what it means live life  in Love. In fact it may even suggest a 4th level that is characterized as STEWARDSHIP: "What I have is God's and I will use it for His purposes." (Psalm 24:1; 1 Chronicles 29:14; Psalm 50:10).

My hope is that I along with you can start living out Love and Stewardship so more may know of the Love God has for them.
Later Eh!

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